We take care that you know exactly how to continue the ‘breaking the fast’ process over the first 3 days after leaving the detox retreat. It is very important that you follow the dietary recommendations we give you once you get home. Upon request, we can give you the post-detox dietary advice in advance so that you can pre-book a fruit platter (if you are flying home immediately following your program) and can stock up with the right foods for your return!
Alternatively, if you wish to break your fast at Samui Detox (sampling some of our delicious Thai food) we can tailor you a combined Fasting & Rejuvenation (healthy eating) program. Please check-out our special program packages on the ‘Prices’ page!
First time fasters often worry that they will go to the opposite extreme after a fast i.e. re-toxing as quickly as they have de-toxed and maybe even on the return flight home! However, in our experience, not only does your body get rid of unwanted waste and toxic matter during the program, you also let go of old addictions and tastes. That cup of espresso or the bar of chocolate may not taste as good after a fast, simply because your body is more in tune with its natural desires, rather than being a slave to an addiction!
With that in mind, the weeks and even months following a Detox are an excellent opportunity to carry through long-desired lifestyle and dietary changes – without nearly so much rebellion from the body and mind. The post-fast ‘high,’ the increase in vitality with a more youthful exuberance (people often comment that they look a good 5 – 10 yrs younger!) can last, but it is much more likely to last if you continue with all that you have learned about nutrition and healthy lifestyle during your detox program.
The post detox phase is really the beginning of a new life for many of our guests and you too can continue to benefit from the detox long after you have returned home!